Apr 25th 2021, 1:44 am
Hello and howdy-do once again to all of you nice folk of the Den. It's been a long time since I last graced these digital halls. I sure did miss it, and listening to the great tunes crooned and sung out by the members.
It's been a hell of a year, what with all of the pandemic and political ass biscuits, among all the other ongoing nonsense.
I tell ya, it's enough to drive a person batty....right after ya go bananas.
I sure do hope you folks and your respective families are making it through okay, reasonably healthy and safe. We've got a ways to go yet, but we'll get there. We always do, don't we?
I am thankful that this musical port in the storm exists, and look forward to listening to you folks once more. And hopefully entertain you as well. See ya out there!
Bev: @oldmaster3 Glad to hear from you and so glad that you are doing well. Welcome back. ت♥
Apr 25th 2021, 8:52 am Report
Walter Mercado: @oldmaster3 Good to see ya, ma'am. Thank you.
Apr 25th 2021, 11:23 am Report
admin: @oldmaster3 So happy to see you have been on and posted a song. Hope all is well. Hugs
Apr 25th 2021, 7:31 pm Report
Walter Mercado: @oldmaster3 Good to see all of you.
May 1st 2021, 6:37 pm Report
Dee Fontaine: @oldmaster3 It's always a pleasure hearing your songs or just sayin; 'Hi'. So glad you're still on here, Walter. Love, Dee xox
May 2nd 2021, 11:00 am Report
Toni Tibbs: @oldmaster3 color me entertained for sure! You're terrific!
Jul 24th 2021, 9:06 pm Report