Dec 30th 2023, 5:41 pm
added a song
Cash: @onefortheroad . excellent sing Keith, we always get a great listen . Happy New Year . awesome sing
Dec 30th 2023, 10:19 pm Report
Brad Mayo: Very interesting background story to go with your song. A grand performance Keith. Happy New Year.
Dec 31st 2023, 6:28 am Report
Qwilleran: Now that it's the last day of 2023, I'll take that as a "Merry Christmas" for the Christmas of 2024. This should have me as the first to wish you a 2024
Dec 31st 2023, 7:37 am Report
Bev: @onefortheroad Wonderful song and a great sing here Keith. Loved my listen today. ♥♫
Dec 31st 2023, 10:25 am Report
Gail Varnado: @onefortheroad Wonderful rendition! Really enjoyed listening today..
Jan 1st 2024, 1:54 pm Report
Keith Wallin: @cash Happy New Year Ricky and Sharon!! My sister suggested this song. I had never sung it before, Glad you guys liked it, Hope 2024 brings you all you want....:-)
Jan 1st 2024, 4:25 pm Report
Keith Wallin: @starlyter Back at you, buddy! Happy New Year! Like I told Sharon and Cash, I had never sung this one before and my sister asked me to record it for her. I had heard it before but, never sang it. Glad you enjoyed my performance. Hope this year is great for you and yours....:-)
Jan 1st 2024, 4:27 pm Report
Keith Wallin: @qwirky You are correct, sir! You are my first New Year well wisher! Thank you very much! Although this is a Christmas song, it does mention the New Year. Besides Auld Lang Syne, there aren't too many New Year songs. Appreciate you, my friend! Have a safe and prosperous New Year....:-)
Jan 1st 2024, 4:32 pm Report
Keith Wallin: @bevb Thank, Bev! My sister asked me to do this one for her. I have never sung this song before. Glad you enjoyed it. Hope 2024 is a great one for you and your family....:-)
Jan 1st 2024, 4:34 pm Report
Keith Wallin: @abbygail25 Hi, Gail! Happy New Tear! Thanks for the listen and the kudos. This was a new song for me.....requested by my little sister. Glad you liked my take on it. Appreciate ya....:-)
Jan 1st 2024, 4:36 pm Report
Jay Dotson: Jay455Enjoyed my listen Keith love the song and your performance
Jan 5th 2024, 4:20 am Report
Keith Wallin: @jay455 Hey, Jay! My sister requested this song. Glad you liked my take on it. Appreciate ya!.....:-)
Feb 19th 2024, 7:25 pm Report