Jan 14th 2024, 12:20 am
added a song
Cash: @abbygail25 beautifully sang Gail. loved my listen, awesome
Jan 14th 2024, 12:34 am Report
Gail Varnado: @abbygail25 Good morning Cash...Have a wonderful day!
Jan 14th 2024, 9:22 am Report
Qwilleran: A lovely Sunday version, enjoyed listening.
Jan 14th 2024, 9:33 am Report
Bev: @abbygail25 Wonderful song and a very lovely sing here Gail. Loved my listen this afternoon. ت♥
Jan 14th 2024, 1:39 pm Report
Jay Dotson: Jay455Enjoyable performance Gail sounding terrific
Jan 16th 2024, 5:20 am Report
Aragorn: @abbygail25 Lovely singing, Gail. Enjoyment :)
Jan 18th 2024, 2:58 am Report
James Gilbert: Enjoyed my listen this morning.
Jan 18th 2024, 10:24 am Report
Jerry: If you go back let me know...and I'll swim over...I've heard there are dairy Queens there that make great Blizzards and I've got $5 whole dollars.
Jan 18th 2024, 10:43 am Report
Gail Varnado: @qwirky Thanks so very much for listening!
Jan 18th 2024, 12:02 pm Report
Gail Varnado: @bevb Thanks Bev!
Jan 18th 2024, 12:02 pm Report
Gail Varnado: @jay455 Thank you Jay !
Jan 18th 2024, 12:03 pm Report
Gail Varnado: @aragorn Thanks Paul :)
Jan 18th 2024, 12:03 pm Report
Gail Varnado: @lgilbert2614 Thanks for listening James!
Jan 18th 2024, 12:03 pm Report
Gail Varnado: @jerry Sure will!!!! Thanks Jerry :
Jan 18th 2024, 12:04 pm Report
Peter Abbott: @abbygail25 Hi Gail, Very nice vocals on this great song. Loved it! Hugs, Peter
Jan 18th 2024, 3:54 pm Report
Gail Varnado: @finnpeter Thanks for listening Peter. :)
Jan 18th 2024, 9:43 pm Report