Apr 26th 2020, 3:12 pm
added a song
Aragorn: @dee1 Beautifuly done, Dee. I'm glad you are doing better and pray you fully recover very soon :) God bless.
Apr 26th 2020, 3:38 pm Report
Dee Fontaine: @aragorn Thank you so much Paul. You're in my thoughts and prayers everyday. May God Bless You for you are so very kind and thoughtful. Much love dear heart. Love, Dee xox
Apr 26th 2020, 3:41 pm Report
admin: @dee1 Hi Dee. Im happy to see a post from you. Glad you are well enough to sing some for us ♥ This is beautiful and very nice. loved my listen ♥
Apr 26th 2020, 5:14 pm Report
Angelsong: @dee1 Ahhhh, Dee, so lovely, dear, I'm happy to hear you here and glad you are able to sing for us!
Apr 26th 2020, 5:50 pm Report
Qwilleran: I don't know the song, I know I pleasured to listen and enjoy your sing and share. We do not fulfill destiny, destiny will be as it will be. This is our current destiny.
Apr 26th 2020, 5:59 pm Report
John Jenson: @dee1 How delightful to hear your voice again Dee, you did an outstanding sing here my friend.
Apr 26th 2020, 9:29 pm Report
Cash: @dee1 Dee I'm so sorry, about the head aches , but I'm sure glad the bleeding stopped ... you will always be in my prayers.. sending you lots of love, an big huggsss... love your sing,, you sing so very beautiful .. awesome
Apr 26th 2020, 11:10 pm Report
Keith laird: @dee1 Hi Dee hope your back to your good self soon - had a bit of trouble hearing this one - my hearing isnt great to many years of loud music i guess
Apr 26th 2020, 11:16 pm Report
Bev: @dee1 Hi Dee. You did a lovely job singing this. So glad you are doing better my friend. Enjoyed my listen here very much. ♥♫
Apr 27th 2020, 3:42 am Report
Jay Dotson: jay455Fantastic performance Dee much enjoyed my listen
Apr 27th 2020, 9:49 am Report
KarenJara: @dee1 Hi Dee! Love this song and your performance sounds beautiful...enjoyed my listen, as always...glad you are feeling better...take care, sweet friend! :) ...HUGS...
Apr 27th 2020, 3:24 pm Report
Dee Fontaine: @admin Thank you so much for coming by sweet friend. Love, Dee xoxo
Apr 27th 2020, 3:55 pm Report
Dee Fontaine: @angelsong Thank you so much angel. I love hearing from you. Love, Dee xoxo
Apr 27th 2020, 3:59 pm Report
Dee Fontaine: @qwirky Thank you so much Rich for coming by. It means a lot to me. Love, Dee xox
Apr 27th 2020, 4:00 pm Report
Dee Fontaine: @cash Oh Cash, I'm sorry about the song not being loud enough. But I thank you for your listen & caring how I feel. You're such a kindhearted gentleman that I admire. Can't wait to see a specialist in the middle of May- Once again, sending you & yours lots of love my dear and sweet friend. Love, Dee xoxo
Apr 27th 2020, 4:08 pm Report
Dee Fontaine: @lairdy Thank you Keith, also it isn't your hearing that is going. It's me and my Adobe Audition 5.5. The volume is like it's stuck on high. I literally have to fool around to get the volume at the right loudness. It's difficult for me since I'm going deaf. But thank you for coming by for a visit. It's always a pleasure. Love, Dee xox
Apr 27th 2020, 4:20 pm Report
Dee Fontaine: @bevb Thank you so much Lady Bev, I'm sorry it's not loud enough, but if I post another song, I'll try my best to make it sound better. Once again sweetheart, thank you for your support. Love, Dee xoxo
Apr 27th 2020, 4:22 pm Report
Dee Fontaine: @jay455 Thank Jay for stopping by. I appreciate it very much. Love, Dee xox
Apr 27th 2020, 4:23 pm Report
Dee Fontaine: @karenjara Aww lovely Lady Karen, you always make me feel loved. I'm so sorry it's not loud enough. But will try to fix it. You sure made my evening better my dear and sweet friend. Sending you lots of love, Love, Dee xoxo
Apr 27th 2020, 4:25 pm Report
Jerry: @dee1 It 's simply great that you're back...your son and you will get that volumn fix. Don't fret I can hear your beautiful voice singing so wonderfully.
Apr 27th 2020, 4:28 pm Report
Dee Fontaine: @karenjara Aww you are so very kind, thoughtful, and endearing lovely Lady Karen. You always know how to make me feel better and I can not thank you enough. You are indeed one of a kind my sweet friend. Thank you once again :-)-Love, Dee xoxo
Apr 27th 2020, 4:34 pm Report
Dee Fontaine: @jerry Lol-I'm Lol because I just told my son less then 5 mins. ago-'Mike I decided not to fret about this anymore', Lol. You read my mind or I read yours. Thank you for stopping by. It's always nice to hear from you. Jerry. Love, Dee xox
Apr 27th 2020, 4:37 pm Report
Ian: @dee1 this was a wonderful song that your sang here for us all to listen to to please take care are and remember there is comfort in in singing
Apr 28th 2020, 4:02 am Report
Dee Fontaine: @sirsnapalot Thank you so much Sir Ian for your kind and thoughtful words. Everyone on here comforts me as I keep you & others near and dear within my heart. Once again Sir Ian, I do thank you and sending you much love. Love, Dee xox
Apr 28th 2020, 5:57 pm Report
Chris Daniels: @dee1 Hi Dee! You are now and forever one big ray of sunshine, and sending thanks for your continued support to all, as well as those endearing gems of song you so gracefully deliver.
Apr 29th 2020, 4:35 pm Report
Dee Fontaine: @chrisdaniels Thank you dear heart for your kind words and istens. They mean so much to me. You've always been extremely nice with your positive energy that makes me want to 'Keep on Keeping on' Chris. I send you much love. Love, Dee xox
May 1st 2020, 12:59 pm Report