Jerry (@jerry)
Dec 4th 2024, 12:21 pm
40 Listens

Elvis arranged 'WHITE CHRISTMAS' to his style. So, this is his arrangement with my cover of White Christmas. However, Elvis was accused (right or wrong???) of copying a black quartet's arrangement of this song.


John Jenson: @jerry Another awesome sing of this most popular song Jerry. Super sing.
Dec 5th 2024, 9:04 am Report
Jay Dotson: @jerry I like his arrangement a lot even if the guy who wrote the song really was mad about it. Terrific performance
Dec 5th 2024, 9:14 am Report
Joyce: @jerry I love this arrangement. I think it was the Drifters? Your vocals were a bit like Bing meets Dean.. I think you know what I mean ( unintended rhyme) Beautiful recording
Dec 5th 2024, 10:34 am Report
Jerry: @sierrajohn Mr. John, I appreciate you buddy!!
Dec 7th 2024, 1:45 pm Report
Jerry: @jay455 So true Jay!! Thank you friend!
Dec 7th 2024, 1:46 pm Report
Jerry: @joyce Joyce, you're right once again (you always are). However, I also read that he had the Drifter's permission and was in good standing with them. Now, I sound like 'Bing meet Dean" ...LOL. I certainly wasn't trying to sound like either I always enjoy and respect your insightful comments. Thank you Joyce!
Dec 7th 2024, 1:49 pm Report